Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Last One....

Santa, Part 4

Santa, Part 3

Santa, Part 2

It took a little while, but Orazio figured out how to open his gifts. And dump trucks are good places to sit - not just put things in!


Orazio was very good this past year, so Santa paid a visit last night. Orazio loved the trucks that Santa left by the fireplace. More pictures and video to follow.

I Can Do It Myself

Orazio now likes to feed himself - which usually means that we both end up wearing whatever dinner was. The bulldogs are in for a treat when we get to NY.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Orazio has discovered the world of trucks. Unfortunately,

he makes a b-line for the camera as soon as I attempt to take a picture of him with his new favorite toy. One of his trucks is in the background of the picture. He is wearing his new Chuck-E-Cheese backpack in the other. We can't go anywhere without the red and yellow truck. Hopefully Santa knows about his new love and brings a couple for Christmas.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow and Star Wars

Orazio and I have had an eventful few weeks. I decided to brave the attention span of a 1 year old, and attempt to get a picture for our Christmas card. Orazio was much more interesting in playing with the snow and ice, than standing still and looking at Mom for a picture. Orazio was also "helpful" in the kitchen. We have been making cookies, which now have the added flavoring of Orazio's hands. Don't worry, I tested a bunch for quality before allowing Orazio to taste the fruits of his labor. Orazio LOVES the Christmas decorations. The movie of him "conducting" is his method of dancing to the music of a Star Wars ornament. I also picked up an animate Tigger for Orazio. The video is the first time Orazio made Tigger sing. We start off almost every morning listening to one or two iteration of Tigger's song.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Orazio, Mom and Dad had so much fun this past week. Here are some more pictures! Enjoy!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Boys are Back in Town

So, Dad is in town and everyone has been having a GREAT time. Dad brought some gifts from Grandma. Orazio couldn't get enough of his own helicopter with ride-along bulldog. Everyone headed off to a CC hockey game last night and Orazio busted out the dance moves. Orazio even received a couple Christmas gifts early and spent the day in his recliner (next to Dad), watching the Giants. The apple doesn't fall far.....

Monday, November 24, 2008

Just Hanging

So, Orazio isn't a huge fan of the park _ at least not yet. The swing and slide were very scary. He is more of a soccer ball kicking, ball throwing, LAX stick wielding kind of kid. We can"t wait for Dad to come to town. Look for more family photos soon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Once a Mets fan, Always a Mets fan!

Although the clothes have changed from Mets to Giants as the weather has turned colder, Orazio is showing his true colors as he walks around the house with Mr. Met. As you can see, Orazio is a big helper, climbing into the laundry basket and using the broom. He has discovered the joy of Tupperware, so I no longer have left-overs in the fridge, but he has LOTS more toys. Enjoy the pictures.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Long Night

After a long night, Orazio retired his CPT America costume and changed back into some warm, comfortable clothes. The festivities were not officially over, so Orazio changed into his second costume - a yellow fireman's hat.

CPT America II

Here are some more pictures of Orazio adding to his bag of candy. After a long night of Trick-or-Treating, Orazio and I headed in for some food and to pass out candy to other kids. Orazio didn't like giving away candy, but he liked all the bright color costumes that came to the door.

CPT America

As you can tell by the costume, Dad had everything to do with what Orazio wore for his first Trick-or-Treat experience. We only hit a couple houses, and Orazio was a little confused by the new places, faces, and concept of ringing doorbells. The confusion continued when he was offered candy, but he made out like a bandit. Orazio liked to choose candy in a brightly colored wrapper. Here are a couple pictures of Orazio getting ready and going up to his first house.

When Captain America Throws His Mighty Shield

Like Father Like Son... Captain America. Nuff Said...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Dad in the house

Dad and Grandpa installed the kitchen this past Saturday. The POD is empty, the house is a little cluttered, but either way there is progress. The kitchen was orchestrated between Colorado and New York via email, and worked out perfectly! Enjoy the pics!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Penne ala Orazio

Orazio loves Penne ala Vodka. He stuffs those little cheeks with as much as he can handle. It is getting colder in Colorado, so Orazio has to bundle up for the weather. Mom has already had to clean snow off her car! Also, as per the video, Orazio has gone from walking to troting. Enjoy the pictures and have a great weekend!