Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, September 29, 2008

Pumpkin pickin Pumpkin

Orazio went pumpkin picking this past weekend. He has an affinity for the color green, as is evident by the pumkin he latched onto refused to release. He tried to pick up a twenty pounder, but for all his effort, it would not budge. So, small and green works for him. Orazio wore his Mets shirt on Saturday, when they won, only to see his Mets end their season on Sunday. Oh well. There is always next year! Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What goes up...

Orazio can now traverse up AND down the stairs... look out world!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Worth waiting for...

Sorry for the long delay. Mom and Orazio have been busy busy busy.

Orazio and Mom are working on Mom's old Fiat Spider. They are helping to restore the car. Orazio is learning a lot about tools and old cars. Also, he is getting more mobile (not because of the car, but becuase of his crawling skills.) As you can see, Orazio is already starting to learn Chess. Clearly his is enacting a a cross between the Reti Opening and the Latvian Gambit. Or, maybe he just puts the pieces in his mouth and then throws them on the floor. Cousin Frank will have to show him some good stuff. Enjoy the pics. More to come soon! PS you can sign up as a "follower" and get the update notifications sent to you. I saw we have one follower, so now I will shamelessly ask for more! Enjoy!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Speed Racer!

So Orazio, in his world travels, visited Dad's shop and also got to sit on a motorcycle. The following pictures prove it. Orazio is getting braver and braver in regards to walking. Im sure, once we visit the emergency room a few times, he will have this whole walking thing down. Enjoy!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Go Go Godzilla

Life as Mom and Dad know it is over. This may look all cute to the regular readers of Orazios world, but I have attached a picture of what it looks like through the eyes of Mom and Dad...
