Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 30, 2008

Stand in the place where you live...Now face north...Think about direction..Wonder why you havent before...

Thats right ladies and gentlemen, Orazio is standing pretty good these days. Also, he was introduced to the lawn. What a strange sensation to sit on the grass and wiggle your little toes for the first time. Orazio was fascinated! So, we have pictures of standing and...drum roll please... a VIDEO of the whole process! (thanks Mom) Not only is there a video, but at the end he talks smack... I think the translation goes like this: "And I even did it with socks on! Booya!"

Enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

If Mom and Dad can do it, so can I...

Oh Boy! Orazio is pulling himself up and standing tall. He is still getting in teeth, so drool lubricates his way around the house. Like his Dad, he is prone to micheif and climbing into situations that get him frustrated and stuck. But, for Orazio everyday is a holiday, every meal is a feast, he still dances like nobody is watching. Enjoy!

Monday, June 16, 2008

A Tigger's a wonderful thing....

So, Mom and Orazio went to the circus yesterday for Father's Day. The pictures are of the Tigers, Orazio watching the Tigers (according to Mom, Orazio would not have anything but his own seat, otherwise a fit ensued) Orazio chilling in his onesie on a hot day, and Orazio on the move. (He is so quick these days he blurs like the Flash) The super toy in the picture spits wiffle balls all over the room so he can go get them and put them back in the machine, only to have the machine spit them all over again. It was Dad's first fathers day and it was great! Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Long Overdue Post

Hello all,

I know, I know, we have slacked off... I'm sorry. Sarah and I finally took a honeymoon of sorts, so we were...ummm... busy this past week. But, Grandma and Grandpa P took up the picture taking helm while Mom and Dad went cruising through the Bahamas. So, enjoy!