Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 29, 2007

More Pictures for Dad

So.....Dad needed a

new picture for his wall at work. Here is Orazio hanging out during tummy time. Today has been a "half roll over" day. Basically, he has been getting stuck on his side - but he keeps smiling and laughing through it all.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bath Time

So, Dad missed out on bath time tonight. I thought he would enjoy this clean, smiling picture of Orazio.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Kicking Chicken

Orazio had another first this weekend. He finally rolled over. As you can tell by the pictures and lack of video, I didn't catch the event on film. For some reason he became camera shy. I'm sure he will roll over on numerous occasions before I am actually able to catch his movement in video for Dad.
The pictures are Orazio's workout routine. First he does head lifts and leg kicks. Once he is tired of that, he switched to leg lifts. He is working on abs of steel.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all our family and friends spread around the world. As you can tell by the pictures, Orazio enjoyed his first Thanksgiving. He missed seeing all of the family, but made the most of the holiday in Colorado. Orazio talked to Dad on the phone, hung out with Uncle CJ during the football games, spent some time sucking on his fingers, and sported a Thanksgiving outfit from Grandma Annie.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Not My Bottle...

Here is to holding your head up and rooting for your favorite New York Team!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Shameless Self-Promotion

Here are some pics of Orazio and his Dad that were on a different camera. Look how happy Dad looks... priceless...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Tummy Time

I tried to post this video yesterday, but I had some technical difficulties. As you can tell, Orazio has a long road ahead of him between kicking and flipping. At least he is trying. Tummy time involves a lot less crying at this stage of the game.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Chilling with Chuck

Today was Orazio's first day wearing shoes. Check out the Chuck Taylors and"Grandpa Ralph Shirt". Orazio & Uncle CJ are wearing matching shoes.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Movie TIme

Here is one last movie with Dad before he goes back to NY (BOOO!)

Dad Loves Mom so much he cannot put it into words! This past week was great and he cannot wait to meet up with his family again!


So, Dad got to meet Rose, Orazio's daycare provider yesterday. She is GREAT! Grandma Lorie and Dad got the grand tour of the campus when we picked Orazio up in the afternoon. Her house looks like Grandma Annies classrooms! Everyone feels great that Orazio is receiving the best possiblke day care. Enjoy the pictures!

Metting my friend Carson Joshua

Yesterday I met one of my new friends, Carson Joshua! He is three weeks old and is just as cute as I am! He is the second son of Daddy's friend Jesse. Jesse, Dina, Jesse and Carson are doing great! Little Jesse got so big since Dad last saw him. I am sure we will see them again soon. Love Orazio

Monday, November 12, 2007

Happy Early Thanksgiving!

Today was an opportunity to give thanks, so we had a great dinner after a day of hard work. Mom, Grandma, and Great Grandma painted while Dad watched Orazio... Dad's job was the toughest, as you can see by the pictures. We had a great turkey dinner and Orazio got dressed up in his Thanksgiving outfit from Grandma Annie. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Great Grandma Leona

Hello everyone! Happy Veteran's Day! Here are some pics of Great Grandma Leona, Orazio watching the Giants (LOSE!) and a video of Orazio hanging out with Dad in his chair ! Enjoy!

When Irish Eyes are Smling...

Daddy got a beautiful Irish Knit sweater from Grandma Lorie for his birthday. It is the official "Welcome to the Family" sweater that Daddy always jokes about. He got his a lot sooner than Grandpa Ron...:) In any case, we took the opportunity to put on our Irish Knits and take yet another picture. Orazio is still a little small for his sweater from Aunt Rachel, but we will try it on frequently to make sure we can wear it. More picture coming later today when Great Grandma Leona comes to town!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Orazio and His Dad... Together Again!

Orazio and his Dad were reunited again today! They were both so excited! Mom is sleeping already while the boys relax and surf the internet. She certainly deserved every minute and then some! We have a big week ahead with Great Grandma Thornton coming in on Sunday and Grandma Lorie coming in tomorrow! Orazio will be in his Sunday's best! Another first today was Orazio's jeans that Mom put on special for Dad! More pictures to follow frequently for the next few days!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tub Time

So, if you get the temperature exactly correct, Orazio actually enjoys his bath. If you make it a little cold, he screams like you wouldn't believe. As you can see, the temperature last night was just about perfect.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Hanging Out

After all the traveling last weekend and a crazy work week, Orazio and I decided to spend most of the weekend hanging around the house and relaxing. Orazio enjoyed hanging out in his swing, taking a few naps, and watching football.