Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 11, 2007

When Irish Eyes are Smling...

Daddy got a beautiful Irish Knit sweater from Grandma Lorie for his birthday. It is the official "Welcome to the Family" sweater that Daddy always jokes about. He got his a lot sooner than Grandpa Ron...:) In any case, we took the opportunity to put on our Irish Knits and take yet another picture. Orazio is still a little small for his sweater from Aunt Rachel, but we will try it on frequently to make sure we can wear it. More picture coming later today when Great Grandma Leona comes to town!

1 comment:

melissa said...

The Piro men in their Irish sweaters is almost as good as Mike in his "I heart SF" shirt. Almost.

Thanks for posting this stuff up- keeps me entertained and up-to-date on your life while I'm at work :) hopefully I'll get to meet the great Orazio someday!