Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Book your rooms now....

Mom and Dad are renovating their old house into a new house. Here are the pics. Rocco and Dozer seem to like it. So, once Mom gets back to NY full time, we are accepting bookings for the spare room for visits from our family and friends spread all over the Good Old US of A! I hope the days fill up quick! (Be advised Grandma Lorie and Grandpa Ron get first dibs, as well as veto powers... more to follow later) Enjoy!


melissa said...

Waldo and I would like to reserve a tentative spot please! We'll hopefully hit the scene in NY sometime in 2009 or 2010 at latest :)

Mikey P said...

Done and Done! Waldo may have to do a neutral site meeting with Rocco first, but now big deal after that! You and I can hit the Guggenheim, MET and maybe a little Bazeball game... and we can bring Sarah too... Maybe...

melissa said...

yeah. maybe.

Just kidding. Very exciting!!

Duncan Family said...

lookin good